hi, my name is megan, aka charleystar. i'm a photographer based in los angeles, where i live with 4 of my favorite people of all time, three of whom are quite tiny-- and quite funny-- little humans.
i love depth over breadth, and small intimate moments over grand gestures (though those can be pretty great, too.) my overuse of emoticons is in no way reprentative of my professionalism. :) my favorite thing to shoot are portraits, but i can gladly spend hours photographing a floating dust spec dancing in the afternoon sun, trying to capture the intangible poetry of such a moment.
in my photography, i like to draw out the unexpected beauty, poetry, and romance of a moment... because really, does romance ever go out of style? and because THIS is just simply, hands-down the most beautiful moment in screen time history ever?!? yep. thought so. that scene pretty much summizes my outlook on life. except for when i haven't had my morning coffee yet. then, i'm probably just a regular joe who thinks a plastic bag is a plastic bag.
but from behind the lens.... and when i edit...
things transform.
i get to observe and perceive a beauty that i may have otherwise missed, glossed over. and perhaps you did too. but through photography, i'm able to show you what i saw, what i observed.
and for that i feel blessed.
we all need reminders every now and then: a plastic bag can be more than a plastic bag; it can be the most beautiful thing in the world.
T H A N K S F O R S T O P P I N G B Y.
don't be shy -- say hello : )